Welcome to 4Moms!

Variation on an old joke: How many moms does it take to answer a question? Answer: Depends.

We are a bunch of moms whose kids range in age from under 2 years to over 25. We're singers and nurses, we're drummers and teachers, we stay at home, we have careers. We've each had that long night alone in the dark, worrying and feeling like the most clueless mom on earth. We are praying for that last day in diapers, we are dreaming of that first grandchild. Between us we've had about 2000 years of mothering experience, at least it feels that way. Needless to say, while we all love our kids and we all know we are excellent mothers, we don't always agree on what an excellent mother might do in any given situation. So, ask us your questions. You're sure to get at least 4 different responses. Anything from childbirth to college tuition, from potty training to pot smoking, from grade school to graffiti. Sports, spots, sex, smoking, thumb-sucking. We've been there, we're here. Ask us.

To celebrate the Mother's Day launch of 4Moms.com. I'd like to share the best gift I've ever gotten from one of my kids, or anyone else. My daughter Heron, was 18 and away at college. I got a small package, it might have been for Mother's Day, or my birthday. Inside was an old applesauce jar. She'd taken up deccoupage that year so the outside of the jar was covered with magazine headlines like “perfect” and “girl power”. They made me smile. But inside, inside were 31 tiny slips of paper. Each one had a memory written on it, or something I'd done that she was thankful for. One mentioned the play stove I'd made her when she was 2 from contact paper and a cardboard box. Another praised my lasagna. Some were just fond memories of childhood. I've gotten great presents from both my children since then, but I can't imagine anything will ever match that gift. I do not need the Noble Prize or the Pulitzer, I've gotten the Mommy jar. Thanks Heron, I love you.

7 Responses to "Welcome to 4Moms!"

Unknown responded on May 10, 2008 at 7:26 PM #

Love you too, Mom. Happy Mother's Day and CONGRATS on entering blogville.

E responded on May 11, 2008 at 1:35 PM #

Best gift from any child? Choosing favorites? Is that the kind of Mom I want answering my questions?

Rachel Nguyen responded on May 13, 2008 at 6:24 AM #

Your son cracks me up, Audrey!

Audrey J Greene responded on May 13, 2008 at 9:40 AM #

hey emercenary, To your question as to the kind of mom you want answering your questions, I'm the only one you've got, gotta love me.

Unknown responded on June 6, 2008 at 10:19 AM #

I love the site, Ladies. I enjoy reading your thoughts and opinions.

Kim responded on June 10, 2008 at 7:34 PM #

Hey ladies....great job!! This is my first visit. I don't have any questions yet, but I am sure I will soon since my daughter just turned 12!! Thanks for sharing!!

3am writer responded on July 1, 2008 at 7:42 PM #

love the site, ladies...moms have to stick together, even online! it's great to see such positive but REAL experiences and perspective.